Specialized care for the endurance athlete by endurance athletes.
An injury is one of the worst things that can happen to an endurance athlete. It doesn’t matter whether you are a runner, triathlete, swimmer, or cyclist. From first time 5K participants to the Ironman. The last thing you want is to be sidelined.
At Endurance Care, not only are we specialists in treating injured athletes, we also provide injury screening and injury prevention. Our goal is to keep endurance athletes training safely and injury free. We understand your desire to continue competing and being active.
We develop customized rehab programs based on each person’s specific condition and specific sport with the goal of helping them maximize strength, flexibility, and endurance. We also utilize manual techniques (soft tissue and joint mobilizations) to aid the healing process.
Commonly treated injuries include:
- Shoulder/Rotator Cuff Problems
- Knee Pain
- Wrist & Hand Aches
- Back & Neck Pain
- Ankle Problems
- Ligament Tears
- Sprains & Strains
- Achilles Tendonitis
- Plantar Fasciitis
- IT Band Syndrome
- Post Operative Care
Services Offered
- Injury evaluation, treatment, and its relation to your sport: “I have a severe case of IT band syndrome, what do I do?”
- Injury screen: “I don’t have a major injury but this hamstring has been nagging me for a while.”
- Prevention assessment: “I don’t have an injury but I want to do more to prevent them.”
- IASTYM: Stimulates the body’s healing response, which results in the remodeling/resorption of scar tissue and the regeneration of degenerated tendons. The approach is a non-invasive therapy that works fast and consistently. IASTYM is a great tool for endurance athletes to treat that nagging injury. Face it… you want to stay in the “game” right? You shouldn’t have to put up with that pain you think is “normal” as an endurance athlete.
- Running Video Analysis: This offers a qualitative look at running form to help address running economy, injuries and overall more comfortable running.
Let Endurance Care help get you back in the race!